In-App Events & Promotional Content

  • Analyze in-app events, custom product pages (App Store) & promotional content (Google Play) to reach more users
  • Get inspired by competitors’ strategies & category benchmarks
  • Monitor the performance & return of your in-app events
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Increase your app’s visibility with in-app events & promotional content

With AppTweak, leverage the first & only ASO tool providing detailed insights into both App Store in-app events & Google Play promotional content.

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Understand how apps & games are using in-app events

Draw inspiration from other apps’ and games’ in-app events (iOS) & promotional content (Android). View event cards and easily analyze event details, metadata & creatives in one place.

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Analyze the frequency & duration of competitors' in-app events

Use the ASO Timeline to dive deeper into your competitors’ marketing strategies. Find out when, for how long & how many in-app events or promotional content they’re running.

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Measure the performance of your in-app events

On AppTweak, measure your in-app events’ performance & return and identify your most successful strategies. In one view, compare your event impressions, opens, sales, and more.

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Uncover ASO trends & best practices in your category

Compare your in-app event strategy to current benchmarks & ASO trends from the top 500 apps of any app store category.

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Case Study

Superscale increased organic downloads on Google Play by +450% with ASO

Read the whole story
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Highest rated ASO tool on G2

Grow your apps & games with data-driven insights