Featured Apps & Editorial Stories

  • Attribute peaks in browse & explore traffic with accuracy
  • Measure the impact of being featured on impressions & downloads
  • Identify new opportunities to increase app visibility
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Krafton Mynavi Tripadvisor Expedia Binance Kabam

Understand the true impact of being featured on your app’s growth & success

The app stores are a black box. AppTweak provides unique insights into your app store featurings and their impact on organic downloads, growth & visibility.

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Discover when & where your app has been featured

Be the first to know how, when & where apps get featured on the App Store or Google Play. Get detailed insights for each editorial story, including a calendar view & the number of downloads driven by each story.

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Monitor visibility from app store featurings over time

Attribute peaks in your browse & explore traffic by monitoring app store feature placements over time. Quickly benchmark your browse visibility against competitors for a more holistic view.

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Measure the impact of being featured on impressions & downloads

AppTweak has developed an attribution model that accurately estimates the downloads you gain from a featured story. Just integrate your App Store Connect — we’ll estimate the uplift gained after being featured on the App Store Today tab.

ASO Tools - Identify new opportunities to get featured

Identify new opportunities to get featured

AppTweak automatically identifies stories & collections your competitors have been featured in but your app was not. Boost your app’s visibility & drive downloads by finding new opportunities to get featured.

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Uncover the keywords for which featured stories rank

Featured stories published in the App Store Today tab also appear in the search results for certain keywords. Uncover the exact keywords for which a featured story appears, directly on AppTweak.

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Case Study

Superscale increased organic downloads on Google Play by +450% with ASO

Read the whole story
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Grow your apps & games with data-driven insights